I'm so sad for knowing somebody. Somebody with all the negatives all around his/ her mind. Full of black aura..Never change for something positive..came out with all sorts of negative, bull shit words...I hate those people who always use the F words.
Mana kesusilaan and kesopanan sebagai seorang Muslim???????? I hate really hate that...!!!!!! and I also hate for those people who always go to the wrong person..talk about things that they are not related to about somebody whom they are dissatisfied with......then that unrelated person will always give wrong judgement and conclusion. Always jumped to conclusion but sadly the conclusion isn't right at all...!!!Oww please if you hate me so much hey pls call me personally and clear it up with me..not with other people....Clarify what you want to clarify then shout at me if you want to..well at least you tell me whats wrong with me at least I know openly that you hate me, sick of me, please don't camouflage behind nerd face.... How coward are you???So sad to have you around...so sad..please come over...and talk if you hate me so much....talk openly... if I were wrong then I will say I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. But please dont just go around talk bad about people, trying to ask them to hate me as much as you hate me....Please grow up...Please....
huhu garangnyerrr..takut!! naper weh..ni sure kes tak puas hati ni..nasib baik ada blog kan kan..heheh..tak pe nanti aku da online story2 yek..aku penat nih baru balik dr site visit sampai ke tapah and semanggol..nak demam ja..
bukan selalu aku garang mar oii..tension arr..everytime tak puaih ati igt aku la yg punya angkara tu..aku pun heran dgn org2 mcm ni..dah la..aku maleh nak ambik pot lagi dah..papehal pun kalau aku yang bersalah aku mintak maaf tapi kalau sebaliknya sendiri mau igt la..mengata la apa2 pun kt aku..tak luak sikit pun aihh...neways...alhamdulillah finally u don't eat salary blind2 dah..wakakakakka
huh, too bad lah..
dah besar2 pon ada lg mcm ni eh
chill eh..
tak tau la aziah...pelik betul la manusia nih..tk penah kot agaknya nak bersyukur dgn apa yg depa ada..and everytime ada yg depa tak puaih hati even dgn org lain pun mesti nak kaitkan dgn saya..pelik sungguh..but for me...as long as i think i'm in the right track i'm so malas to think about benda yg remeh temeh ni..biaq la depa nak pk lama2 sapa suruh buat penat kepala otak depa ja...tak rugi pun i walau sesen pun...
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