Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fettucine with Baked Meatballs Carbonara

Hmm..its quite sometimes I'm not into cooking & photographing..somemore battery camera pun dah, yesterday I planned to cook something for dinner, taddaaaaaa..something which my children love to eat..kalau boleh hari2 pun x pa..since the father not around its ok for me to cook ala' western. Kalau abah depa ada kena tanya dulu la nak makan apa kan..pasta is not in his list anyway..kalau my children plus mommy depa ni pasta mmg menjadi pojaan perut kami...hehehehe..At first I just wanted to make Baked Meatballs Carbonara..mcm kat Pizza Hut.
Tapi Mummy make some value added to the dish, I cooked some fettucine and served with the meatballs, so kenyang sikit la perut budak2 tu.
After we having the dinner, the father called. Bila tanya makan apa, I said meatballs and pasta and he said "eh kenapa masa abang ada kat rumah tak penah buat pun?'
'Nanti buat lagi macam kat IKEA tu'
Owh I never know you like it...hmm yg IKEA tu sauce dia lain la pulak kan...kalau macam tu nak kena p IKEA dulu le ni nak kena ambik feel..hahahhahahaha..

Anyway, sorry I don't have specific measurement, semua main taram je...ikut my instinct..kalau termasin ke..tersedap ke..thats my instinct to be blamed or to give the credit. Anyway, the basic ingredients for Baked Meatballs Carbonara as below:

Tender meat
1/2 onion- cut
1 carrot
Worchestershire sauce
1 egg
Oregano- dried
*You also can put 1 tbsp of tomato ketchup if u like- but this time I didn't
Put all ingredients into food processor, blist off then make it as balls.
Fry them and toss.
*I get this recipe from dapur 'Salam 2Benua'. Thx to LG, i've been using your recipe quite sometimes.

Tumis bawang besar- dipotong kasar dgn dried oregano. Then masukkan whipping cream agak2 dalam 1/4 kotak kecil, then masukkan fresh milk about 11/2 cwn atau sebanyak mana kuah yg anda inginkan, stir until you get the consistency, kalau terlalu cair tambahkan whipping cream, then masukkan salt, pepper, parmesan cheese and chicken stock. Bila rasa dah ok, remove from fire the masukkan ke dalam ovenproof dish. Then masukkan meatballs tadi, taburkan dgn grated mozarella generously, cooked in preheated oven at 170deg or higher for 15min or sampai nampak cheese melts. Then served with fettucine yg dah di rebus terlebih dahulu.
Amacam..mau cuba??? Cubalah...


lindalyn said...

Im sure Im going to try this dish... look very tempting..!!nanti ang masak kat rumah aku yer..huhuhuh

che zaid said...

oit aku ke...hehehhe