Thursday, July 16, 2009

Komen yg mengguris jiwa

I've read an n3 past few months kat blog LG- salam2benua 'bout nasty comments from blogreader. Well, at that time I don't how deep the effect to our emotion as blog owner on the comments given to us. I wonder how nasty a person could be..coz I believe people bide to the ethics. Tp yelah semua org bukan perangainya sama kan...and the 'laserness' of mulut seseorang tu kdg2 membuatkan depa ni tak penah nak endah perasaan org. I had received few comments lately yg memang menyentuh jiwa raga as a person. I also received some sarcastic comments tapi I malas nak lawan cakap..coz it hurts me more. My friend even suggested to me to filter the comments received before publish but I know its tedious and I dont have time for that.
I never memaki hamun orang dgn perkataan2 yg dahsyat2. I never mencarut..paling kuat pun just STUPID or else I always use kurang asam but so seldom menggunakan perkataan KURANG AJAR unless its too hard for me to take it. So, why people used to memaki hamun I. Apa salah diriku ini???Kalau salah pun taklah sampai nak kena mencarut with those F#@* word?? Kalau ada salah pun taklah sampai nak kata my doter is a spastic. Well, if a child is spastic we never say that upfront, we used to call it- kanak2 istimewa. Don't you dare to call names to people sebab Allah tu Maha Berkuasa, well, kalau u nak cakap cakaplah I just unable to stop u from saying but just remember whatever things u said to people, Allah will payback to u soon....!!!Salah dgn manusia hanya manusia saja yg boleh memaafkan..JUST REMEMBER that!!!


Abby said...

The comments hurt us as a person, and as a mother..ignore them, as this what they want to see..

To the coward hiding behind fake names..if you are a mother, I pray hard to Allah, you'll soon be in the same situation and worst you'll be begging forgiveness to those person you've hurting, especially calling names and damn you, spastic kid is not a joke..they are human, and if you are a man, damn, pity your wife and family..

to my dear fofhie..ure such a wonderful kid! Muahs!!

che zaid said...

thx mar for understanding...

lemongrass said...

Salam Zaida,
Kesian you but perangai manusia ni memang lah kadang2 lagi teruk dari perangai haiwan. Haiwan pun lagi tau adab rasanya! Tu yang buat I rasa geram dulu, kalau dia tak suka our blogs, janganlah masuk, pergi lah blog lain kan. Ini siap mengutuk semua, memang betul2 tak patut. I cuma boleh nasihat kan you to ignore this people but susah jugak kdg2 nak ignore, I've been there. Bersabar lah ye...

che zaid said...

thx LG..owhh rasa nak nangis pulak..hehehehehe...anyway just 4 u n kids- selamat balik kpg...

azlina mohammad said...

alaaa..cedih nyer.sebabkan komen2 yg gitulah aku stop blogging.
tak per che zaid tuhan tu maha kaya.semua benda paid CASH la sesama kita berdoa diterbalikkan pada ANON tu.AMIN

Mar,100% setuju.

che zaid said...

ehhee..tu lah kan friends..heee masuk yg baru ni kira mcm tk boleh nak dibendungkan lagi la..eii ini le dia kerana pulut santan binasa kerana mulut hmmm Tuhan je mampu if DEK NON tu knew my kids well...huh...

TiNiE said...

eeii..happened aku termasuk sini..
baca n3 kakzaid ni..aku jadi geram..

curse u ANON!!! suka suki jer ckp anak org gitu..mengong

che zaid said...

thx tinie...kesian my fofhie ku itu...Allah sajla yg tau

miszshain said...

kak.. sorry to hear that.. mcm manalah org kita ni dah kurang budi bahasa ye...

suka2 hati je nak kata org mcm tuh.. tak baiknya!!! Cik Anon, ibubapa awak takde ajar budi bahasa ke?

Anonymous said...

che zaid & friends of che zaid, im really sorry if my words towards litte phofie hurts that much.what im trying to say she looks weird on the pic comparing with others pic that make her diff..munkin that words is harsh to say..again im so me phofie is very cute,chubby & cheeky kid and the pic is spoiling her..god bless her & hope she will make proud someday....again im so sorry...will try to use the appropriate words next time.....cheers

che zaid said...

this is a lesson to all, to anon...thanks for the apology and its accepted. Sapa la I ni tak nak memafkan org kan..Nabi pun ampunkan umatnya..I'm not as good as an angel ..but as human we must be very careful with our own words sebab Bahasa mencerminkan peribadi kita..kalau terlajak perahu mmg boleh kita undur..tapi terlajak bahasa..hmmm gitu lah jadinya..pikir sendiri ye..

Abby said...

To anon, I praise your honesty in apologizing, which not many dare to do..we are here to be friends, and hope in future our writing will represent the true color of our heart..

Unknown said...

yeah negative comments hurt...cos we're just human.

just try to ignore and forgive...and yes, moderate comments ^_^

stay strong, God bless.

Anonymous said...

Chezaid & friends of chezaid, thank you for acccepted my apology.again, im so sorry for that.kiss & hugs for little cutie phofie :)
note: che zaid, congrats! for the opening ceremony ur kedai..cheers

che zaid said...

Hi guys,
Thanx for all ur comments bout my little ones..I really appreciate whatever u've done to me, and to all please give anon another chance and anon u're welcome here. thank you.